About the Project
Continuous Quality Improvement
“Afterschool” is often used interchangeably with “Out-of-School” time (OST). Out-of-School time refers to youth development programming that occurs beyond the traditional school day - including before and after school, weekends, holidays and summers. Programs are structured and offer a wide range of learning and enrichment activities that promote academic, artistic, physical, social and emotional development for all participating children and youth.
The goal of the Alabama Afterschool Quality Standards Project, an agreement with the Alabama Department of Human Resources and the Truman Pierce Institute (TPI) at Auburn University, is to assist school-age programs in our state to work with the specific needs of school-aged children. TPI offers professional development based on the Alabama School-aged Quality Standards to ensure children are provided a safe environment and quality programming during the out-of-school time. Through professional development and resources, we strive to advance the competencies of the school-age childcare providers to provide age appropriate, developmental activities to allow our youth to meet their potential.
Afterschool Works!

The Alabama Afterschool Quality Standards are designed to provide clear guidance to school-aged afterschool and summer school programs for quality implementation.
The Alabama Afterschool Quality Standards are voluntary statewide programmatic standards that may serve as the following:
A framework of clear expectation for all stakeholders
A guide to inform statewide decision-making, to direct professional development focus areas, and to garner support in both advocacy and funding
A guide for program providers to assess their own program sites and organizations to help determine what they are doing well and/or what needs improvement
A guide for parents, families, youth, and educational professionals to identify quality programming
A guide for school principals and district superintendents to reinforce and advance educational priorities
A guide for daycare and childcare centers’ supervisory and programmatic staff regarding differentiated oversight for ‘school-aged’ children